There’s still time to escape…
Summer may be coming to an end but that shouldn’t stop you from booking your next trip away. This blog post covers my top travel tips and i’ve also included some photos of recent trips away to inspire you for your next adventure. These tips will hopefully help you on your next trip away. I have had a good few of you asking me travel related questions following my recent Travel Diaries so I will be focusing on a few areas in the next few weeks. I will also be blogging about my upcoming trip to the UAE and Asia!
Passport, insurance, tickets and ear plugs…
Always double and triple check that you have everything before you leave for the airport and before you leave one city for another. If I had a euro for every time i’ve heard stories of friends having to dash back home to grab their passport.
(Images taken in LA, 2014)
This goes without saying…but i’m going to say it anyway. Make sure it does not expire before your trip and before you book your next trip make sure you know its whereabouts. Trust me, you don’t need the extra hassle.
Having holiday insurance is always important. Recently, i’ve been using, it’s quite cheap and covers a lot.
Online check-ins, a Passbook, a print-out whatever it is just make sure you have it all with you because you won’t get very far without them.
Ear plugs
I might have mentioned before that I don’t like the ‘travelling’ part of travel, I just like arriving at the destination; like most of us. One of the reasons is because my ears tend to get sore whenever I fly. To prevent this I make sure I have ear plugs and chewing gum on every flight. This generally helps on flights!
(NYC & San Diago, 2014)
Patience is a must…
I will admit that I like to have some sort of itinerary or plan when I go travelling but sometimes it’s better to just go with the flow and see where you end up! Don’t sweat the stuff you can’t control. Take an unplanned road trip over to the next town and explore.
(Thailand, 2013)
(South of Spain, 2015)
Portable Chargers and Extension Leads!
If you’re Iphone battery is as bad as mine then a portable charger (or ten) will definitely come in hand. An extension lead is also great – you can charge your phone, your camera and plug in your GHD all at the same time. Bliss!
(Paris, 2012)
Wake Up Early
If you’re not a morning person then that’s okay but it’s nice to rise at sunrise to have the best attractions all to yourself while avoiding crowds. Even if you make an effort to get up early the odd morning. You’ll surprise yourself at how much more you can get out of a day if you get up just that little bit earlier. Sunrise is also an amazing time for photos due to the lighting. Sketchy areas are less dangerous in the morning too.
(London, 2015)
(Spain, 2015)
(Morocco, 2015)
Pack Less…
I am forever over-packing. The reality is you don’t need 1/2 the gear you think you do. The trick is to plan your holiday wardrobe in advance, mix and match and downsize as much as you can. If you’re not sure about packing something, you don’t need it. It’s also possible to buy most things on the go if need be.
You will definitely look like a fool at times when traveling to new places. Rather than get embarrassed, laugh at yourself. Don’t be afraid to screw up, and don’t take life so seriously. In my opinion, you need to leave your comfort zone, go out on a limb, take chances and challenge yourself. You only live once so you might as well push yourself and make sure you get the most from it.
Don’t forget your selfie stick
Selfie sticks are still a great investment and they are so cheap so you might as well take one away with you especially if you’re travelling by yourself or with a friend. This will save you having to ask people to take your photos and this will also reduce the risk of someone running off with your phone/camera.
Stash extra cash…
Cash is king! To cover yourself in an emergency, make sure you stash some in a few different places. If you lose your wallet, your card stops working, or ATMs run out of money, you’ll be glad you did. Some of my favourite stash spots include socks, a toiletry bag, around the frame of a backpack or in a suitcase.
(Morocco, 2015)
(NYC, 2014)
(Thailand, 2013)
(Santa Barbara, 2014)
Take lots of photos
Again, this goes without saying. If you’re anything like me, you will take hundreds (if not thousands) of photos when travelling. I like to capture the moment and make memories – photos are perfect for this! You might only see these places once in your lifetime so you might as well make them most of it. Great photos are the ultimate souvenir. They don’t cost anything, they’re easy to share with others, and they don’t take up space in your luggage. Just remember once you have your shot to get out from behind the lens and enjoy the view.
(Thailand, 2013)
(Malaga, 2015)
Eat Local Food
Taste a bit of everything when you travel, especially if you don’t know what it is. Ask local people for recommendations. Eat street food from vendors with big lines out the front. Put your taste buds to the test!
Get off the beaten track
I know it’s cliché, but you should still attempt it. Find interesting and unique places that don’t see much tourism. Many memorable travel experiences have happened to me in areas that are not easy to visit. By all means travel to popular sites, but don’t rule out other locations just because they’re not on the tourist trail.
(Florence, Italy with my Contiki tour, 2012)
Well there you have it, my top travel tips! Are you thinking about travelling to any of the above places? If there is anything in particular you’d like me to blog about next let me know. You can catch me on Snapchat: duffyloikes, Instagram, Facebook or Twitter!
Thanks for reading!
Until next time…